In order to ensure that our media product would be as successful as I felt it could be, I decided to create a questionnaire for the general public of all ages and genders to find out their views on horror films and how they affect their everyday lives. I questioned thirty people of a variety of ages surrounding the questions that I had created, some of these include; 'How old are you?' 'Do you watch horror films, if so why?' 'Who do you watch horror films with?' 'How do you watch films? (Online, Cinema, DVD etc) etc. Here are some of the results that I gathered after entering the data into Microsoft excel in order to merge my information and create an average for each question asked. The questionnaire proved to show a wide variety of personalities and how age seemed to affect different views towards horror films and the price they would be willing to pay to watch one.
This question proved that the majority of people who watch horror films are aged between 13-18 years old and no body that I personally surveyed watched horror films who was over the age of 42.
This question proved that the majority of people watch horror films by downloading them from the internet and that people are least likely to buy a DVD.
This question proved that the majority of people watch horror films monthly and that the people I surveyed least watch horror films yearly.
This question proved that the majority of people who I surveyed watch horror films mainly due to the suspense that they recieve by watching them whereas the least popular option was the sense of mystery.
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