Tuesday 17 January 2012

The Unseen

After a lot of thought about what the name of our film should be, we decided upon the name 'The Unseen'. We all researched about films in which ghosts were included and then we thought of different names on our own leading us to then speak about the different names that we had thought of individually in our groups. We narrowed it down to a few names that we had thought of and then we went on to discuss whether or not we thought it would be suitable to be the title of our film. I thought of the name 'The Unseen' and then asked my fellow group members; Harri Long and Becky Roydhouse, what they thought about it, at first they liked it but thought that it should maybe be called 'Unseen', but after discussing the idea of possibly using this name, we decided that 'The Unseen' made more sense, so therefore we decided to use it as the final title of our film.

The idea behind the title 'The Unseen' was the idea of knowing that something/someone is there but not being able to see it, and the weird goings on that occur that everyone is aware of but only affecting one person.This being exactly what our film is based upon; Thomas the ghost, whom is only seen by the character of Katie and no one else, can see it, therefore making it 'unseen'. We then finalised the idea of this being the name and then concluded that we all agreed upon it being the final name of our film. We then continued to research different font types that we felt matched both the name of our film and if it connected to the type of genre of film (this being the horror/thriller genre) that we were trying to sell to our audience in which they would be able to enjoy and watch.

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