The logo for Paramount includes a background made up of mixture of colours; orange, pink, purple, blue. These colours could possibly be suggesting that their films are easily enjoyable during any time of day as the colours used make it appear as a sunset; this being a time situated between day and night. But also, the colours of the background could possibly be representing the audience in which their films are aimed at; pink and blue stereotypically representing men and women, suggesting that film is aimed at both mixed genders and not one specifically.
The fact that logo is situated on top of a mountain could be portraying the idea that by going to see one of their films, you get the chance to relax and be free; not have to worry about anything. This personally is what I feel generally is the overall feeling of what audiences are intending to achieve by visiting the cinema.
The white circle of stars that are surrounding the company's name could perhaps be proposing for the audience to focus on the name of the company and by surrounding the name in the middle of the frame, it immediately attracts the audience's attention towards it and makes a memorable picture in their mind of what the company logo is.
I like the possible ideas behind the Paramount logo of the audience being able to unwind and relax whilst watching their films as I think that this puts the audience in a clear mindset just before the film begins.
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